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    World Bulletin: New Greek PM awaits Turkey's move in gas dispute



Greek PM Tsipras' expects Turkey to make the first move in the Eastern Mediterranean gas sharing dispute around the Cyprus island


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World Bulletin: New Greek PM awaits Turkey's move in gas dispute

Contrary to hopes that Greek PM Tsipras' will take a more moderate view on the gas sharing dispute around the Cyprus island, an expert believes he will take the same stance as predecessor

Tsipras expects Turkey to make the first move in the Eastern Mediterranean natural gas dispute, says Director of Center for International and European Studies at Kadir Has University, Istanbul.

The charismatic leader of the anti-austerity party Syriza – 40-year-old Alexis Tsipras – won a historic victory in last Sunday’s election, and quickly formed a coalition with small Independent Greeks party which also opposes Greece's EU and IMF aid program.

Asked whether Tsipras' general moderate stance would also inspire a solution to the decades-long Cyprus question, as well as gas sharing dispute around the island, Assoc. Prof. and Director Dimitrios Triantaphyllou said that judging from his statements in Cyprus on Monday, he will preserve the previous government's stance.

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