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    Cyprus Mail: A new strategy for Europe’s energy security



THE dependence of the European Union on third countries for its energy supply is not something new.


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Press Notes

Cyprus Mail: A new strategy for Europe’s energy security

THE dependence of the European Union on third countries for its energy supply is not something new. We spend 1 billion euros everyday to import 53% of the energy we use. This makes us vulnerable in times of crisis, something that became clear during the temporary disruptions of gas supplies in the winters of 2006 and 2009.

The recent the crisis in Ukraine brought to the fore a new dimension. Developments there underlined the need to act in order to reduce our energy dependence on third countries. Following a request by the leaders of the 28 Member States, the European Commission recently tabled a comprehensive strategy to reduce import dependence. Diversifying external energy supply sources, upgrading energy infrastructure, completing the EU internal energy market and saving energy are among the main points of the strategy. The strategy also highlights the need to coordinate national energy policy decisions and the importance of speaking with one voice when negotiating with external partners.

More specifically, the strategy calls for completing the internal energy market and building missing infrastructure links to respond quickly to possible supply disruptions by directing energy flows across the EU as and where needed.