• Natural Gas News

    NGIF adds ARC Resources to Industry Grants programme


Programme has contributed more than C$20mn to emissions reduction efforts.

by: Dale Lunan

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NGIF adds ARC Resources to Industry Grants programme

NGIF Capital said January 16 ARC Resources, Canada’s largest pure-play Montney producer, had been added to NGIF Accelerator, its not-for-profit arm which aims to improve the economic and environmental performance of the natural gas industry.

The Industry Grants programme is supported by 14 companies alongside ARC Resources and has strong connections to every link in the gas value chain, offering start-ups access to key infrastructure to test and develop clean technologies through field trials and pilots.

“I am excited to welcome ARC Resources to our group of natural gas companies committed to supporting technology and innovation in the sector,” said John Adams, CEO of NGIF Capital and NGIF Accelerator. “I am confident in the expertise of ARC Resources, and they will bring incredible value to the program.” 

Through investment in the programme, ARC and other participating companies like Shell, Petronas, Tourmaline Oil and others, support NGIF’s position as the first cleantech innovation programme in Canada that focuses on making the Canadian gas molecule the lowest carbon intensity gas molecule produced in the world.

“Our focus on innovation and the application of clean technology has enabled ARC to consistently deliver leading emissions performance,” ARC CEO Terry Anderson said. “As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we are excited to join the NGIF Accelerator Industry Grants programme and support the development of new solutions to improve environmental performance and advance emissions reductions across the industry.”

The Industry Grants programme has contributed C$22.4mn to 86 approved projects representing total eligible project costs of some C$250.2mn. This contribution, NGIF says, will reduce CO2 emissions by an estimated 8.7mn tonnes/year by 2030.