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    NGW Magazine's new issue available - Total's Algerian deal: politics and trade


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NGW Magazine's new issue available - Total's Algerian deal: politics and trade

Available Exclusively to Premium Subscribers:

Volume 4, Issue 12 - June 24, 2019

NGW Magazine Vol. 4, Issue 12

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In this Issue:

Editorial: Testing times for US LNG

The first Mozambique LNG plant has the green light; the second is likely to follow soon, given the financial and upstream capabilities of its partners. What does that mean for projects in the US? Their business model is complicated as the developers are not also the LNG marketers.

Total’s Algerian deal

Politics, history and finance collide in Algeria, as the administration considers the prospects for Total’s acquisition of Anadarko’s assets.

Making remote Russian gas pay

Irkutsk Oil Company offers a case study in how smaller Russian producers can monetise their stranded gas resources.

Queensland releases more upstream blocks

As the gas supply situation remains tight, Queensland is stepping up its efforts to increase supplies to industry.

BP takes a dim view

World energy in 2018 was on an unsustainable path, says BP; and it looks unlikely it will be on the right one this year either.

Investors force change

Some of the majors’ shareholders are using their votes to push through change, with varying degrees of success

Crisis chokes Alberta’s revenues

Alberta’s dry gas industry is facing a crisis, with eroding markets and prices in free fall, but there are some solutions.

Canada’s cleantech builds on gas

Active at the latest Clean Energy Ministerial, the gas industry showed Canada is already well-represented on the cleantech stage.

Finding common ground in the Baltics

Lithuania has yet to join the three other states and national pride seems to prevent the former Soviet republics from settling their differences

Russia’s contaminated oil

The contamination of the Druzhba oil pipeline has been disastrous for Russia, costing its oil industry millions and potentially affecting its reputation more broadly.