• Natural Gas News

    Kyiv Post: Oettinger: Decisions on Nord, Stream should follow decision on Ukrainian gas transport system



Gunther Oettinger believes decisions regarding gas pipelines bypassing Ukraine like Nord Stream and South Stream are secondary

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Kyiv Post: Oettinger: Decisions on Nord, Stream should follow decision on Ukrainian gas transport system

European Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger believes decisions regarding gas pipelines bypassing Ukraine like Nord Stream and South Stream, are secondary compared to the need to secure transportation of Russian gas across Ukraine.

Speaking at a press conference in Berlin on Friday, Oettinger said it will take months and years to make the Ukrainian gas transportation system's operations efficient.

Ukraine's underground gas storage facilities must be filled so that Europe should not experience shortage of gas from Russia in winter, he said.

It was reported earlier that, amid growing tensions between the West and Russia, Oettinger recently made some skeptical remarks regarding South Stream, and the European Commission took more time to grant Gazprom the right to fully use the OPAL gas pipeline continuing Nord Stream on European territory.