• Natural Gas News

    Belfast Telegraph: A vital need to store natural gas



'A vital need to store natural gas' in Northern Ireland. A look at why it's needed including a discussion on renewable energy.


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Press Notes

Belfast Telegraph: A vital need to store natural gas

Why is gas storage needed? Shouldn't Northern Ireland focus on renewable energy?

We generate 60% of electricity from natural gas and have to import our entire gas requirement.

Our location at the western limit of the European gas transmission network and its reliance on overseas gas markets makes it vulnerable to the consequences of any disruption to gas supplies on a local and/or regional level. A gas storage facility in Northern Ireland will permit the more efficient use of its existing gas infrastructure and safeguard its ability to meet the increasing peak gas demand, while providing a greater degree of security of supply.

Northern Ireland has a target to generate 40% of electricity from renewables by 2020, primarily through wind power. A shift to renewable energy sources is likely to result in an increasing reliance on gas-fired power stations to support the fluctuations in supply from the intermittent nature of wind. Gas storage facilities, such as this project, will be important to respond to the rapidly fluctuating gas supply demands.  MORE