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    Novatek, Total Approve Final Investment Decision on Yamal LNG Project



A  final investment decision (“FID”) fhas been approved for the $26.9 billion Yamal LNG project. NOVATEK and Total SA, announced...


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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Russia, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

Novatek, Total Approve Final Investment Decision on Yamal LNG Project

A  final investment decision (“FID”) fhas been approved for the $26.9 billion Yamal LNG project.

NOVATEK and Total SA, announced the desicion for the project, which consists of the development of the South-Tambeyskoye gas condensate field, appraised at 907 billion cubic meters of natural gas, and the construction of a natural gas liquefaction plant on the Yamal Peninsula.  

The Yamal LNG plant will consist of three (3) liquefaction trains with overall capacity of 16.5 million tons per annum. Start of commissioning works at the first liquefaction train is scheduled for 2016 with the planned commercial launch of the first LNG train in 2017. The Project also requires the construction of transport infrastructure including a sea-port facility and an international airport located at Sabetta (north-east of the Yamal Peninsula). Up to 16 ice-class LNG carriers of special ARC-7 design will be used to effect year-round transportation of LNG to international markets.

Novatek stated that as part of the Project implementation, main tenders have been completed and key contracts have been signed. The EPC contract has been awarded to the joint venture of Technip and JGC. As of today, the orders for long-lead items (including cryogenic heat exchangers, gas turbines, and the compressors for the liquefaction trains) have been placed; eight (8) production wells have been drilled, more than 3,100 construction workers are already on site. Preparation of the construction site for the LNG plant has been completed, the piling of the foundation for the LNG tanks has begun, the construction of the sea-port and airport has reached an advanced stage, and more than 70% of the expected LNG production output has already been contracted.

Chairman of the Management Board of NOVATEK, Leonid V. Mikhelson commented “The Yamal LNG project is a transformative project for NOVATEK and a key element in the overall strategy to develop the natural gas resources on the Yamal Peninsula and increase the output of LNG from Russia. In a relatively condensed period of time we have accomplished quite a lot of work with the project establishing a very good base to move forward with confidence to implement our plans”.

Yves-Louis Darricarrère, President Upstream at Total stated “The successful sanction of Yamal LNG strengthens Total’s global portfolio to sustain post-2017 production over the next decades and further increases our presence in a high potential region of Russia in terms of gas resources. Yamal LNG has made tremendous progress in recent months and Total will join forces with NOVATEK by harnessing all of its expertise and effort to deliver this top-tier LNG project within schedule”.

Yamal LNG is a joint venture currently owned by OAO NOVATEK (80%) and Total S.A. (20%). On 5 September 2013, NOVATEK and CNPC concluded an agreement on the purchase of a 20% equity share in Yamal LNG by CNPC. The transfer of title to the equity share is subject to receipt of necessary regulatory approvals. Following completion of the deal, the shareholder structure of Yamal LNG will be as follows: OAO NOVATEK (60%), Total S.A. (20%) and CNPC (20%).