NSW Upholds Decision to Suspend Metgasco's Bentley CSG Operations
New South Wales Office of Coal Seam Gas (OCSG) has decided to uphold the suspension of all work on Metgasco’s Rosella E-01 exploration well in Bentley.
“As requested by Metgasco, a review of the Office of Coal Seam Gas (OCSG) decision to suspend operations of Metgasco under the Activity Approval has been undertaken. The outcome of the review is that the decision to suspend the operations of Metgasco under the Activity Approval remains in place until the OCSG is satisfied that the company has met the conditions of its title and the conditions of the Activity Approval,” Energy Minister Anthony Roberts said in a statement on Thursday.
Last month, the minister suspended company’s licence after an audit found Metgasco had failed to properly consult the community about the Rosella well operation.
Metgasco has asked the Supreme Court to set aside the OCSG’s decision to suspend drilling of the Rosella well. The grounds for Metgasco’s claim are that the decision was “unlawful because it was not authorised by legislation, and was made without affording Metgasco procedural fairness.”
The company also disputes the government's claim it did not properly consult the local community.
“The Minister has claimed that he exercised his power to suspend because of Metgasco’s alleged failure to engage in community consultation. Metgasco will ask the court to rule that it complied with its community consultation obligations. Consequently, the Minister’s power to suspend did not arise,” the company said in a statement earlier this month.