• Natural Gas News

    FT: Obama unveils US energy blueprint



Obama recently unveiled a “blueprint for a clean and secure energy future” for the US that stresses alternative energies and the relatively clean fossil fuel of natural gas, and encourages greater energy efficiency. He will travel to Illinois to promote the blueprint, a key plank of which involves taking $2bn over 10 years from federal revenues from oil and gas field leases to pay for research on vehicles that do not use oil.


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Press Notes

FT: Obama unveils US energy blueprint

President Barack Obama on Friday unveiled a “blueprint for a clean and secure energy future” for the US that stresses alternative energies and the relatively clean fossil fuel of natural gas, and encourages greater energy efficiency.

He will travel to Argonne, Illinois on Friday to promote the blueprint, a key plank of which involves taking $2bn over 10 years from federal revenues from oil and gas field leases to pay for research on vehicles that do not use oil.

However, the plan makes no mention of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, designed to carry oil from Canada’s tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico. The Obama administration is expected to approve it but has not done so yet, despite no impediments to construction remaining.  MORE