OGDCL strikes gas in Pakistan's Sindh province
Oil & Gas Development Company (OGDCL) announced on August 30 the discovery of gas condensate at the Baloch-2 well in the Sinjhoro block, located in Pakistan’s Sindh province.
The Baloch-2 well was spudded in February and drilled to a total depth of 3,920 metres in the Sembar formation as part of OGDCL's exploratory efforts. According to the results from wireline log interpretation, the Sembar formation has yielded 6.8mn ft³/day of gas and 388 barrels/day of condensate.
"The discovery not only confirms the untapped potential of the Sembar formation but also opens a new play, paving the way for further exploration and development of hydrocarbon reserves in the block," the company stated.
The Sinjhoro block joint venture comprises OGDCL as the operator with a 76% working interest, along with Orient Petroleum (19%) and GHPL (5%).