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    AFK Insider: Oil & Gas Africa: Offshore Exploration Heats Up In Gabon And Congo



As a frontier market, the countries of Africa represent both tremendous opportunities and tremendous risks

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes, Africa

AFK Insider: Oil & Gas Africa: Offshore Exploration Heats Up In Gabon And Congo

As a frontier market, the countries of Africa represent both tremendous opportunities and tremendous risks. On the risk side of the ledger are all the usual complications of international trade and investment compounded by the problems inherent in a developing, emergent continental market consisting of 54 countries and 1.1 billion people – it’s a lot to keep track of.

Luckily, the ups and downs of the African oil and gas trade aren’t one of them if you know where to look. To help with that, AFKInsider has compiled all the news you need to know now in order to slim down your risk in the weeks ahead. Let’s see what’s happening out there.

A new lease on life for two old African oil provinces? The Republic of Congo and Gabon are two veteran producers of crude oil that have long served as important production bases for many European firms, most prominently France’s Total and Italy’s Eni.