• Natural Gas News

    Famagusta Gazette: Olgun says Cyprus gas "curse if mismanaged"



Turkish Cypriots are determined to continue with the negotiation process and seek a positive and sustainable result.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Famagusta Gazette: Olgun says Cyprus gas "curse if mismanaged"

The new Turkish Cypriot negotiator Mustafa Ergun Olgun stated that the Turkish Cypriots are determined to continue with the negotiation process and seek a positive and sustainable result.

Cyprus UN talks were suspended by President Nicos Anastasiades due to the result of Turkey's "provocative" and "aggressive" actions to start seismic tests off the island's southern coast later this month.

Alleging that their aim is a win-win result for both sides, Olgun told the Anadolu Agency that the suspension of negotiations “was taken to be a blocking manoeuvre by the Greek side, reminding them that the island's natural resources belong to both parties”.

Olgun claimed that the main reason for the suspension of the talks by the Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Anastasiades was “to protect the unfairly captured status quo by the Greeks in Cyprus and to continue their claim of being the unique owner of the island”.