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    MintPress News: The New World War No One Is Taking About - The Global Clamor For Oil And Gas



MintPress examines global relations among the superpowers--USA and Russia particularly--and how the new "world war" is for energy dominance

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

MintPress News: The New World War No One Is Taking About - The Global Clamor For Oil And Gas

Russia and the United States’ hegemonic ambitions were laid bare in March 2014 over the highly contentious Crimean crisis, both looking to outdo the other in a rivalry that’s persisted since at least the Second World War.

But this “cold war” which has been playing out over the decades has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the energy race, according to Gulgiz Dadashova, an energy analyst for Azerbaijan’s AzerNews.

With the world on the brink of another world war over a fire lit in the Middle East, oil and gas — not ideology, religion or even nationalism — are at the very core of the equation of power and greed. Indeed, the priority for most nations is a pragmatic one: securing access to energy resources and controlling their flow.

Read the full article HERE.