• Natural Gas News

    OVL Seeks Higher Returns from Iran Gas Project



ONGC Videsh Ltd wants Iran to pay a higher return on the $5-6 billion it plans to invest in developing Persian Gulf gas field of Farzad-B to make up for the risk involved in investing in US-sanctioned country.

by: Shardul

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OVL Seeks Higher Returns from Iran Gas Project

ONGC Videsh Ltd wants Iran to pay a higher return on the $5-6 billion it plans to invest in developing Persian Gulf gas field of Farzad-B to make up for the risk involved in investing in US-sanctioned country, Press Trust of India said.

US can impose sanctions on any firm investing more than $20 million in Iran's petroleum or natural gas sector. OVL has technology licences from American companies, which may make them vulnerable to US sanctions.

PTI sources have said that OVL has does not want abandon Iran yet and to keep Tehran engaged has proposed to take up development of the offshore gas field if given a higher return on its investment.

The project to develop 12.5 trillion cubic feet of reserves in Farzad-B gas field - four times the size of reserves in Reliance Industries eastern offshore KG-D6 fields - is suffering from lukewarm relations between India and Iran, as New Delhi has backed sanctions imposed on Iran for its nuclear program by the United Nations Security Council.

OVL entered Iran by signing an Exploration Service Contract (ESC) for offshore Farsi Block on December 25, 2002 with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC).

It drilled four exploratory Wells off which 3 (in BB Area) proved to be oil wells and one (in FB area) was gas well. In September, 2008, OVL got the commercially acceptance for the gas field from the NIOC Board with in-place gas reserves of 12.5 Tcf and peak production capabilities 1100 million standard cubic feet per day.