• Natural Gas News

    The Spectator: Conservative conference: Owen Paterson says yes to shale gas and no to wind farms subsidies



UK Environment Secretary says technologies that will make a positive contribution to the economy are the ones that will be pursued. As such he supports shale gas and not wind farms, which require subsidies.


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Press Notes

The Spectator: Conservative conference: Owen Paterson says yes to shale gas and no to wind farms subsidies

‘We will only improve the environment if we improve the economy.’ Owen Paterson demonstrated the government’s new environmental mantra at a Policy Exchange fringe event this evening, discussing how we can build a sustainable green economy. The new Environment Secretary said that he will only pursue technologies that will make a positive contribution to the economy:

‘We should not be frightened of major projects brought in to improve the economy, because by improving the economy, we generate the funds to improve the environment. And if we are imaginative we can also bring the two together. The two are, empathically,not mutual exclusive.

‘It’s got to be sustainable…which means it has to minimise waste, use resources in the most efficient manner or someone else will do it better than us’

Despite stating that power production was really a matter for the Department of Energy, Paterson took a swipe at the subsidies handed out at a national level for sustainable energy production, highlighting his own battle with wind farms:  MORE