• Natural Gas News

    Herald Series: Oxfordshire on Government's list as potential fracking sites



The Government is to decide whether fracking should be allowed in Oxfordshire as the British Geological Survey has identified it as a possible source of shale gas.


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Press Notes

Herald Series: Oxfordshire on Government's list as potential fracking sites

THE Government is to decide whether ‘fracking’ – the controversial form of gas extraction – should be allowed in Oxfordshire.

A 347sq mile expanse in the north of the county has been identified as a possible source of shale gas by the British Geological Survey.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change is currently deciding whether to grant a licence that would allow firms to tap an area between Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington for gas.

But campaigners are concerned the technique can cause damage to the environment. Keith Taylor, Green MEP for Oxfordshire, is touring the county with a film about fracking this month. He said: “Residents of Oxfordshire are right to be concerned about shale gas extraction. “Fracking has serious environmental consequences.

“Only last week a study has shown that the drinking water near homes around fracking sites in Pennsylvania has been contaminated by methane, ethane and propane.”  MORE