• Natural Gas News

    Oz LNG Projects Emissions Lower than Previously Thought: Research


The report by the CSIRO’s Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research Alliance (GISERA) confirms the greenhouse gas emissions benefits from increased use of natural gas in domestic and export markets.

by: Shardul Sharma

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Natural Gas & LNG News, Asia/Oceania, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Security of Supply, Corporate, Exploration & Production, Import/Export, CBM, News By Country, Australia

Oz LNG Projects Emissions Lower than Previously Thought: Research

Greenhouse gas emissions from Australia’s coalbed methane-based LNG export projects on the east coast are much lower than previously thought, a report published July 29 by CSIRO said.

The report by the CSIRO’s Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research Alliance (GISERA) confirms the greenhouse gas emissions benefits that come from using more natural gas in domestic and export markets. GISERA is a collaboration between CSIRO, Commonwealth and state governments and industry established to undertake publicly-reported independent research.

The report analysed life cycle emissions, including extraction, transportation and use of CBM in Queensland’s Surat Basin. It presents a comparison of greenhouse gas emissions from electricity production in Australia from Queensland thermal coal or natural gas derived from CBM operations which finds – incorporating the full life cycle of greenhouse gas emissions from all parts of the supply chain – a reduction in emissions of up to 50%.

Queensland's three CBM-LNG export projects are ConocoPhillips-Origin Energy Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG), Shell’s Queensland Curtis LNG and the Santos-led Gladstone LNG.

The Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (Appea) said this is the first time accurate estimates of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with an operating CBM-LNG project in Australia have been used – and provide data about the benefits of natural gas for electricity generation.

Appea CEO Andrew McConville said the CSIRO’s findings confirmed the overwhelming evidence about the key role gas plays domestically and in export markets in lowering global greenhouse gas emissions.

“Australia’s LNG industry is in a unique position to contribute substantially to the economic development of the nation and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at home and abroad,” McConville said.

The report also found direct, indirect and external greenhouse gas emissions associated with CBM production, compression, dehydration, water treatment and liquefaction represented around 1.4% of likely future production for this CBM-LNG project.

“Australia already generates significant national economic, environmental and social benefits through the use of its substantial gas resources. Using more natural gas in Australia’s power generation and resource processing would significantly enhance the nation’s ability to meet increasing energy needs and reduce emissions,” McConville said.