• Natural Gas News

    Pertamina Revives Java FLNG Terminal Plans



PT Pertamina will proceed with its plan to build a floating liquefied natural gas-receiving terminal in Central Java.

by: Shardul

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Pertamina Revives Java FLNG Terminal Plans

PT Pertamina will proceed with its plan to build a floating liquefied natural gas-receiving terminal in Central Java. The company has put the project on hold four months ago.

Bloomberg reports that the government asked Pertamina to continue construction of the terminal, which will have a capacity of 3 million metric tons of LNG a year.

“We will try to meet the government’s order of getting the Central Java floating terminal to go on stream by 2014,” Hari Karyuliarto, the company’s gas director, told reporters, Bloomberg said.

 Pertamina is seeking 1.5 million tons of LNG from domestic suppliers for the facility, he said.