• Natural Gas News

    PetroChina to Boost Gas Imports from Central Asia



PetroChina will boost its natural gas purchases from Central Asia by as much as half this year even as it is unable to fully pass on import costs to consumers due to state price controls, Reuters reported the company as saying.

by: Shardul

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PetroChina to Boost Gas Imports from Central Asia

PetroChina will boost its natural gas purchases from Central Asia by as much as half this year even as it is unable to fully pass on import costs to consumers due to state price controls, Reuters reported the company as saying.

The state owned energy firm, CNPC, the parent company of PetroChina has to been advised by the government to achieve its goal of doubling the share of the less polluting fuel in the country's overall energy mix by 2020.

PetroChina plans to raise imports to as much as 25 billion cubic metres (bcm) this year from 15.9 bcm in 2011, Reuters said citing Chairman Jiang Jiemin.

Reuters also said that PetroChina plans to increase focus on unconventional gases like tight gas, coal seam gas and shale gas.

PetroChina has developed its own technology to extract so-called tight gas and coal-bed methane, while the key technology to develop shale gas is still in the United States, the report said quoting a company official.