• Natural Gas News

    Petronas Strikes Gas Offshore Sarawak



Malaysia's national oil company Petronas has made two major gas discoveries offshore Sarawak state.

by: Shardul

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Petronas Strikes Gas Offshore Sarawak

Malaysia's national oil company Petronas has made two major gas discoveries offshore Sarawak state, Bernama has reported citing company statement.

The two discoveries at Kuang North and Tukau Timur fields may have about 2.3 trillion standard cubic feet and 2.1 trillion standard cubic feet of natural gas respectively.

The Kuang north field, located in block SK316 was drilled last October via two exploration wells, Kuang North-1 and Kuang North-2. The Kuang North-2 was drilled to a total depth of 3,223 metres, and penetrated 636 metres of gas column, the company statement said.

The well was spudded in May 2012 and completed in November 2012.