• Natural Gas News

    PGNiG: Lubocino-1 Shale Gas Well Data and Resources Estimate



The Polish gas company PGNiG announced a shale gas resource assessment for its 15 concessions in Poland may be upto 900 bcm based on an assessment by Advanced Resources International assessment.


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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Poland, Shale Gas

PGNiG: Lubocino-1 Shale Gas Well Data and Resources Estimate

The Polish gas company PGNiG has announced a shale gas resource assessment for its 15 concessions  in Poland.

“The recoverable gas resource can be 900 bcm” (31,8tcf) – says the head of the shale gas exploration Przemyslaw Krogules, adding that the estimate is an optimistic scenario, based on an assessment performed by Advanced Resources International.

PGNiG has carried out two drillings so far. The latest, Lubocino-1 on Wejherowo concession, showing positive results. Krogulec said, that the company hopes to start a production in Lubocino in 2014.

According to the official an estimated initial flow rate at Lubocino-1 can reach 200 m3 per minute (almost 288 mcm/d, 10 mmcf/d) to stabilize after a dozen or so months at 40-60  m3 per minute (58-86 mcm/d, 2-3 mmcf/d) level.

"We can spend over 200 million zlotys for exploration work in Lubocino in the years 2012-2013” - says Krogulec.

PGNiG plans to extend its exploration program by up to five wells in 2012. The company will concentrate on its Baltic concessions, “because of shallower depth ranges and lower costs” – Krogulec explains .

However, the first well is to be drilled early next year in the Eastern Poland, on the Tomaszow Lubelski concession, where the well depth is to reach 4.500 mts.