• Natural Gas News

    Daily Sabah: Pipeline for Israeli gas on the table



Turkish energy company Turcas Petrol announced that they are considering to build a pipeline for natural gas in Israel's Leviathan field

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Daily Sabah: Pipeline for Israeli gas on the table

Turkish energy company Turcas Petrol announced that they are considering to build a pipeline for natural gas in Israel's Leviathan field. Last month Turcas informed Istanbul's stock-exchange BIST that they were in talks with Istanbulbased Enerjisa, which is owned by Turkey's Sabancı Holding and German utility E.ON, to buy the gas from the Israeli field.

Turcas CEO Batu Aksoy announced that Turcas and E.On unit Enerjisa may grow their alliance to buy Israeli gas and the company may consider building a pipeline for gas from the Leviathan field. According to Aksoy the pipeline may cost about $2 billion (TL 4.15 billion) and could supply 7-10bcm gas annually to Turkey via a 500km undersea route.

Leviathan Natural Gas Field, located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea area, off the coast of Israel, was discovered in December 2010. The discovery is situated in 1,645m of water in the Levantine Basin, located approximately 130km west of Haifa, Israel. Turkish consortium planning to transport the natural gas in Israel's Tamar and Leviathan areas through pipelines for the first stage.