• Natural Gas News

    Cyprus Mail: Pipelines favoured option for gas finds



Noble Energy is leaning toward regional pipelines as its favoured option for monetising its Cypriot natural gas finds, with onshore LNG

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Cyprus Mail: Pipelines favoured option for gas finds

Noble Energy is leaning toward regional pipelines as its favoured option for monetising its Cypriot natural gas finds, with onshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) now relegated to bottom of the list.

Although all alternatives are still on the table, John Tomich, general manager of Noble Energy (Cyprus) said on Tuesday the pipeline option was “the most compelling.”

“We’re not looking at multiple [LNG] trains now, we’re focusing on pipelines,” he told energy specialists and investors in Nicosia.

The Noble official may have been alluding to the concept of a pipeline running from Israel’s Tamar gas field, linking up with another pipeline at the Aphrodite field and then on to Egypt.