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    Poland: European Shale Gas Polygon



The chief economist of the Polish oil and gas firm PKN Orlen, believes Poland may produce over 100 bcm of gas yearly in the years 2030-2035.


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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Poland, Shale Gas

Poland: European Shale Gas Polygon

“Poland may produce over 100 bcm of gas yearly in the years 2030-2035”– said the chief economist of the Polish oil and gas firm PKN Orlen.

During the “Shale gas and the future of EU energy and climate policy” conference in Warsaw, Piotr Czyzewski asseverated that the number was an optimistic but also realistic evaluation based on shale gas unproven reserves.

Czyzewski added, that  “very conservative” assessment points to 40 bcm per year in the same period. He also reiterated the other number recently made public by the Polish government:   20 bcm as soon as 2020.

He compared the most optimistic scenario to the current combined European Union countries gas consumption of 365 bcm/y. He explained, that this relation shows the possible place of Poland on the map of energy supplies in Europe.

"Only two years ago we started to look seriously at opportunities created by shale gas” – emphasized Orlen chief economist.  “Now, we are looking at not only at what`s under our feet, but also what`s around us.”

"Poland is going to become an experimental polygon for shale gas in Europe”.

Czyzewski listed advantages of building such a polygon. “Less coal, more  jobs - which are more similiar to high-tech industry than mining - and finally, buying time needed to develop profitable renewable technologies, as at the moment all of them must be subsidized”.

The economist noted, that gas would also reduce future renewable energy cost, as it is relatively easy to switch on and switch off, and thus gas power generation would be better back up for renewable energy in the future.

Czyzewski opined that as Poland must work within the European framework,  the country should actively look for the solutions good for the whole community on the EU level.

“In our opinion shale gas fits well into basic EU policy frames. It would be better, if EU would underline it more officially.” – concluded Czyzewski.

Related Reading: Moving to Diversify: Orlen Starts Shale Gas Drilling