• Natural Gas News

    Radio Poland: Mixed Fortunes for Polish Shale Gas



Poland's chief geologist, Sławomir Brodziński, has said that multinationals exited the shale effort in the country due to pressures from falling oil prices

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

Radio Poland: Mixed Fortunes for Polish Shale Gas

Poland’s shale gas project is suffering as oil prices plummet and multinationals exit. But it's not all bad news, Sławomir Brodziński, Poland’s Chief Geologist, told a Sejm economic committee sitting.

“The main reason for the exit from shale gas concessions of the larger multi-national firms is the situation on the fuel market, above all the huge falls in prices of oil and gas. But added to that, the interests of the global concerns and Polish interests have not always been the same,” Brodziński said.

In June, ConocoPhillips – the last remaining US firm in Polish shale gas - announced its departure from three concessions in Poland. Earlier the same decision had been by ExxonMobil, Marathon Oil and Chevron, Talisman Energy, Total and Italy’s ENI.

Read the full article HERE.