• Natural Gas News

    FT: Poland pledges to combat barriers undermining its shale industry



Poland aims to keep development of natural gas industry on track as US majors leave the country. PM Donald Tusk said he will be “ruthless” with ministers who block work on a proposed oil and gas regulatory and tax package.


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Press Notes

FT: Poland pledges to combat barriers undermining its shale industry

Poland’s government is trying to keep the development of a significant gas and oil industry on track after several US energy companies quit the country while those that remain complain about tax and environmental regulations.

Donald Tusk, Poland’s prime minister, has made it clear that he will be “ruthless” with ministers who block work on a proposed oil and gas regulatory and tax package.

“If somebody wants to invest billions in Poland then they have to feel secure about that business,” Mr Tusk warned recently. “The environment minister will either realise that this project requires not only the mentality of an ecologist but also the mentality of an entrepreneur or else someone else will have to take charge of this,” he said.  MORE