• Natural Gas News

    The Guardian: Police asked university for list of attendees at fracking debate



Canterbury Christ Church University, which had invited experts to debate the merits of fracking in an open forum, refused to hand over the list of attendees to the police.


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Press Notes

The Guardian: Police asked university for list of attendees at fracking debate

Canterbury Christ Church University says it refused to hand over list, and Green party councillor criticises police request

Fracking could carry unforeseen risks as thalidomide and asbestos did, says report produced by Walport.

Police asked a university to hand over a list of members of the public who were due to attend a public debate on its campus.

Canterbury Christ Church University, which had invited experts to debate the merits of fracking in an open forum, refused to hand over the list, and the police request has drawn sharp criticism, with one of the panellists branding it deplorable. MORE