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    Euractiv: Polish environmentalists allege state-backed ‘climate of fear’



Environmentalists in Poland say they are being harassed by the country's security police and being denounced by government officials for “working against the public interests of the state.”


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Press Notes

Euractiv: Polish environmentalists allege state-backed ‘climate of fear’

Polish environmentalists say that they are operating in a ‘climate of fear’ involving harassment by the country’s security police, and denunciations from government ministers for “working against the public interests of the state”.

Earlier this month, Treasury Minister Nikołaj Budzanowski used these words, to drub a registered environmental charity, Client Earth, which has campaigned against coal-fired power plants and for shale gas regulation.

"This kind of organisation should accept that there are limits to its activities," Budzanowski said. "In my opinion they have passed their limit."

His words provoked more than 20 Polish NGOs to write to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk expressing their "great concern" at what they called an "unprecedented attack" on civil society.  MORE