• Natural Gas News

    American Agency Trains Polish Ministry for Shale Gas



Polish authorities met American representatives to start a series of training session for shale gas exploration and production.

by: Sergio

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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, , United States, Poland

American Agency Trains Polish Ministry for Shale Gas

Polish authorities met American representatives to start a series of training session for shale gas exploration and production. 

‘The training will take three days and will take place in the Ministry of the Environment in Warsaw. It will concern experiences and good practices related to shale gas exploration and production. Administrative structure, legal framework and concession granting procedures will also be discussed,’ reads a note released by Poland’s Ministry of the Environment. 

The meeting with representatives of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection will be followed by future training session. In these occasions, the American delegation will share additional knowledge on geological and environmental conditions, with an eye on ecological legal regulations and monitoring practices. 

‘Training participants will also familiarise themselves with data on the attitudes of local communities in America towards shale gas exploration and production and the communication of public administration bodies with citizens in this regard.’

Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo (PGNiG) and Chevron Polska Energy Resources signed a collaboration agreement for shale gas exploration in south-eastern Poland in March, surfing the wave of revived optimism about unconventional gas in the country.