• Natural Gas News

    Dow Jones: Polish Shale Gas Reserves 'Huge,' Lower Than First Thought - PGNiG



Poland likely has "huge" shale gas reserves, albeit lower than initially estimated, Marek Karabula, the PGNiG's vice-president, told a press conference Tuesday


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Press Notes

Dow Jones: Polish Shale Gas Reserves 'Huge,' Lower Than First Thought - PGNiG

Poland likely has "huge" shale gas reserves, albeit lower than initially estimated, Marek Karabula, the company's vice-president, told a press conference Tuesday.

The Polish Geological Institute is set to publish its estimates Wednesday. It has earlier warned that its figures are substantially lower than those by the U.S. Department of Energy, which said Poland has recoverable shale gas resources of 5.3 trillion cubic meters--equivalent to more than 300 years of the country's annual natural gas consumption.  MORE