• Natural Gas News

    London Evening Standard: Politics in energy policy will scare investors, warn businesses



The increasingly politicised debate over the UK's future energy supplies risks scaring off investors in the power sector: "Less politics, more policy" says Neil Bentley, deputy director-general of business group CBI, in order to encourage investment in the energy sector and boost growth.


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Press Notes

London Evening Standard: Politics in energy policy will scare investors, warn businesses

The increasingly politicised debate over the UK's future energy supplies risks scaring off investors in the power sector, the Government is being warned today.

Neil Bentley, deputy director-general of business group CBI is calling on the Government to provide "less politics, more policy" to encourage investment in the energy sector and boost growth.

At an event attended by Energy Secretary Ed Davey today, Dr Bentley will say the most cost-effective way to cut emissions is a diverse energy mix, including new nuclear reactors, renewables and new gas power.

He will also warn that while the Government is right to encourage "safe" extraction of unconventional shale gas to maximise domestic energy supplies at reasonable cost, gas alone is not the answer as prices are likely to rise. MORE