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    Reuters: UK shale gas not at odds with climate targets



A report from consultancy Poyry concludes Britain can exploit its shale gas reserves without worrying about meeting its targets to cut carbon emissions, provided the government continues to support green energy.


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Reuters: UK shale gas not at odds with climate targets

Britain can exploit its shale gas reserves without worrying about meeting its targets to cut carbon emissions, provided the government continues to support green energy, consultancy Poyry said.

Environmentalists have voiced concerns that a boom in shale gas production in Britain could have a damaging impact on the country's plan to cut carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050.

"You can develop shale and you can still achieve your carbon targets. The one caveat to that is that if the government chose to change its renewables support mechanisms that would mean the targets are not achievable," said Richard Sarsfield-Hall, principal consultant at Poyry, who led a report on the impact of shale gas on Britain's climate targets.

The report assumes shale gas projects in Lancashire in the north of England could add around 20 billion cubic meters of gas per year (bcm/y) by 2035, around 20 percent of Britain's current annual gas demand, based on estimates given by shale gas firm Cuadrilla Resources.  MORE