• Natural Gas News

    Primeline Energy to Commence Drilling of LS30-3-1 Gas Well in South China Sea



Primeline Energy Holdings has completed the drilling operations of the LS23-1-1 well and will now continue with the exploration drilling programme for the LS30-3-1 well in the East China Sea.

by: Shardul

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Primeline Energy to Commence Drilling of LS30-3-1 Gas Well in South China Sea

Primeline Energy Holdings has completed the drilling operations of the LS23-1-1 well and will now continue with the exploration drilling programme for the LS30-3-1 well in the East China Sea.

In a press statement published Wednesday the company said that the LS23-1-1 well was spudded on September 23 and reached total depth (TD) of 2,666m on October 21, 2015 and wireline logging data was subsequently acquired.

The well discovered several zones of gas bearing sandstone and evaluation of logging data indicated total cumulative net pay thickness of 14 metres, the company said, adding, “The LS23-1 prospect is a technical discovery of hydrocarbon but not likely to be a commercial discovery. Therefore Primeline has plugged and abandoned the well and will proceed with the drilling of the LS30-3-1 well on the basis of the agreed two well work programme.”

LS30-3-1 is located approximately 20km north of the LS36-1 gas field platform and is targeting a large channel sand prospect. The planned TD of the well is 1,800m, targeting the same reservoir as that of the LS36-1 gas field.