• Natural Gas News

    Project Spotlight: Driftwood LNG [LNG Condensed]


Driftwood LNG hit the news at the end of last year with two announcements which move the innovative LNG project closer to a final investment decision (FID).

[LNG Condensed Vol. 1, Issue 1]

by: LNG Condensed

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Project Spotlight: Driftwood LNG [LNG Condensed]

 Developer Tellurian announced that it had entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Swiss trader Vitol to supply 1.5mn mt/year of LNG and the Louisiana Board of Commerce and Industry voted to grant the project the first tranche of a tax break poten- tially worth more than $2bn over 10 years.

This good news built on some earlier positive developments. As Henry Hub gas prices rose above $4/mn Btu in late November, owing to high- er winter demand following low injection rates over the summer, prices went the other way at  the Waha gas hub in the Permian basin, falling as low $0.25/mn Btu. Some instances were reported of negative prices – producers actually paying to have their gas taken away.


The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (NGC) NGC’s HSSE strategy is reflective and supportive of the organisational vision to become a leader in the global energy business.


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