• Natural Gas News

    Protesters Try and Boost Polish Anti-Shale Movement



Anti-shale gas protestors from the group Frack You occupied the Shale Gas World conference being held in Warsaw.


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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Poland, Shale Gas

Protesters Try and Boost Polish Anti-Shale Movement

Anti-shale gas protestors have been visible in country villages and towns of France, in Bulgaria and Germany and protestors have set up camp adjacent to drilling of operations being conducted by Cuadrilla Resouces in the UK. 

Active opposition to shale gas development has been less evident in Poland, the leading proponent of unconventional hydrocarbon development in Europe.

Today, anti-shale crusaders from the group Frack You occupied the Shale Gas World conference being held in Warsaw.

Protestors pounded drums in the lobby as a diversionary tactic, allowing their compatriots to enter into the main conference room and chained themselves to the stage.

The actions delayed the start of the conference by two hours and required police intervention, prior to commencement of proceedings.

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