• Natural Gas News

    STV: Protests over fracking as new policies announced on energy projects



Scottish National Party announced new policies aimed at protecting communities from controversial energy projects at the same time as protests were held about the practice of 'fracking'.


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Press Notes

STV: Protests over fracking as new policies announced on energy projects

The SNP has announced new policies aimed at protecting communities from controversial energy projects, at the same time as protests were held about the practice of 'fracking' and gas extraction in Scotland.

WWF Scotland welcomed changes to planning policy which were announced on Saturday by the Scottish Government.

Environment Minister Paul Wheelhouse said these were being put forward to strengthen the planning system when considering "unconventional" extractions of oil and gas across Scotland.

As he announced the changes he also stressed "There are no environmental permissions which would allow hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in Scotland at this time."  MORE