• Natural Gas News

    Platts: Public acceptance biggest hurdle for European shale gas: IEA



Public acceptance is the biggest hurdle Europe faces in terms of developing a shale gas industry, speakers told delegates Wednesday at the 17th annual European Gas Conference in Oslo.


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Platts: Public acceptance biggest hurdle for European shale gas: IEA

Public acceptance is the biggest hurdle Europe faces in terms of developing a shale gas industry, speakers told delegates Wednesday at the 17th annual European Gas Conference in Oslo.

"The nascent industry is facing an uphill struggle," with public acceptance the chief issue, Tim Gould, senior energy analyst at the International Energy Agency said.

A European Commission official supported exploration, but agreed public consent would be key.

"Drilling should be allowed...but it's a difficult issue and it's down to public acceptance," said Jean-Arnold Vinois, honorary director at the EC energy directorate.  MORE