• Natural Gas News

    RFE/RL: Putin Says Greece Could Be Energy-Distribution Hub



Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Russian President met in Moscow. Putin said Russia was prepared to participate in joint projects with Greece such as an extension of Turkish Stream.

by: Jessica

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Press Notes

RFE/RL: Putin Says Greece Could Be Energy-Distribution Hub

Russian President Vladimir Putin says Greece's participation in the Turkish Stream gas project could help transform the Southern European country into an energy distribution hub for the continent.

Speaking with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras at an April 8 press briefing, Putin said Russia was prepared to participate in joint projects with Greece, such as an extension of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline project through the Balkans to Greece and possibly further to Italy.

Putin said Tsipras did not ask for Russian financial aid during their earlier meeting, but the Russian president said he was sure Greece could repay the approximately $265 billion in loans extended to Greece by Eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund.

Putin said that while Tsipras had not requested financial help, Russia could provide credit for large projects.

He said Greece's participation in projects such as the Turkish Stream project would earn the country "hundreds of millions of euros annually" and help Athens pay back loans to European and international creditors.  MORE