• Natural Gas News

    Gulf-Times: Qatargas reaffirms its commitment to Europe LNG supplies



Qatargas’ views on the European energy market, the current and future role of LNG, the influence of new energy policies and the company’s marketing activities

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Gulf-Times: Qatargas reaffirms its commitment to Europe LNG supplies

Qatargas’ views on the European energy market, the current and future role of LNG, the influence of new energy policies and the company’s marketing activities across the continent were presented at the Flame conference in Amsterdam recently.

The presentation entitled “European LNG Supply and Demand Implications” was made by Qatargas’ chief operating officer (commercial and shipping) Alaa Abujbara.

Abujbara discussed key events in Europe’s recent energy history, beginning with the consumption of coal in the 1950s, how this trend led to the great smog of 1952, which in turn inspired the use of cleaner fuels over the next decades. He spoke on the recent return to coal in the energy mix and asked the question if Europe was coming full circle by returning to coal.

Abujbara then proceeded to discuss the energy options for Europe going forward. He made a clear case for LNG as a major part of the energy mix by highlighting its advantages over alternative fuel sources like renewables, nuclear, coal, pipeline gas and liquid fuels.