• Natural Gas News

    BBC: Walkington anti-fracking protest tower 'must be removed'



A judge has said protestors must remove a wooden tower blocking the entrance to a site where a firm hopes to prospect for gas or oil.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

BBC: Walkington anti-fracking protest tower 'must be removed'

A judge has said protestors must remove a wooden tower blocking the entrance to a site where a firm hopes to prospect for gas or oil.

Anti-fracking campaigners built the structure at Rathlin Energy's site at Walkington, East Yorkshire, last month.

The firm and the landowner went to the High Court, in London, for an order forcing protestors to move the barrier. The order was granted but campaigners have said they will not dismantle the obstruction.

The judge rejected moves by the campaigners to get the hearing adjourned and ruled the protestors must remove the obstacle immediately.