• Natural Gas News

    Reabold says well tests confirm "substantial" at UK West Newton well


The wells recover gas and light oil.

by: Joseph Murphy

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Reabold says well tests confirm "substantial" at UK West Newton well

Extended well tests at three wells at the West Newton oil and gas discovery in east Yorkshire have confirmed "substantial" hydrocarbon discoveries, the project's operator Reabold Resources said on October 13.

The wells recovered gas and light oil, although sustained flow rates were not achieved, the company said. It is still assessing how to produce from the wells, and test data will be used for drilling the next West Newton well, expected to deliver an optimal flow rate.


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Reabold has a 56% interest in West Newton, through its 59% stake in the project's operator Rathlin and an additional 16.7% direct interest it acquired from Humber Oil and Gas last year. Its partner Union Jack Oil has a 16.7% position.

"We are very pleased that the test programme has confirmed significant discoveries at West Newton at both  The test programme has provided us with an abundance of data which will now be used to establish the optimum drilling and completion techniques for oil and gas production at West Newton," Reabold co-CEO Sachin Oza commented. "The B1-Z and A-2 wells are available for stimulation to achieve near term flow, and we already have permissions in place to drill the next well on the field."

Reabold now estimates the West Newton discovery to hold 113.6mn barrels of oil and 50.6bn ft3 of gas in median case in-place hydrocarbons. The wider licence's Kirkham Abbey formation is now assessed to hold 412.3mn barrels of liquids and 183.5bn ft3 of gas.