• Natural Gas News

    Blackpool Gazette: Residents' rally against fracking



Event organized by Residents Action on Fylde Fracking (RAFF) gathered around 200 people to campaign against frackin on Lytham Green.


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Press Notes

Blackpool Gazette: Residents' rally against fracking

“We have the power to say no”, that was the message loud and clear from campaigners against fracking as around 200 people gathered for a rally on Lytham Green.

Organised by Residents Action on Fylde Fracking (RAFF), the event on Saturday saw speakers from Friends of the Earth, Defend Lytham and the Greater Manchester Association of Trades Union Councils give presentations on how a united voice against shale gas extraction would resonate among powerful companies.

It comes as Cuadrilla Resources continues with its plans to drill a number of test wells on the Fylde coast.

Neil Kingsnorth, head of activism from Friends of the Earth, said: “The companies that want fracking may think we are small and powerless, but we are big and we are growing. We have the power to say no. We can create change and we can stop this stuff from happening.”  MORE