• Natural Gas News

    Reuters: China Holds Some Hope for LNG Producers



Can China ride to the rescue of producers of liquefied natural gas (LNG), who are bringing on stream ever more supply at a time when prices in Asia have sunk to 4-1/2 year lows?


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Reuters: China Holds Some Hope for LNG Producers

Can China ride to the rescue of producers of liquefied natural gas (LNG), who are bringing on stream ever more supply at a time when prices in Asia have sunk to 4-1/2 year lows?

The world's largest commodity consumer has taken some of the blame for the plunge in the spot price LNG-AS, which dropped to $7.20 per million British thermal units (mmBtu) last week, the lowest since July 2010 and down almost 65 percent from the same time last year.

To be sure, a warmer than usual winter in North Asia and a well-supplied market are also major culprits in LNG's weakness.
But China's demand growth in 2014 didn't come anywhere near to meeting expectations. MORE