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    Rosneft Completes Kara Sea Expedition



Rosneft and the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute completed their expedition in the Kara Sea. Experts spent 30 days at sea to conduct a large scale met-ocean survey.

by: Sergio

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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Russia

Rosneft Completes Kara Sea Expedition

Russia’s Rosneft and the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute completed their expedition in the Kara Sea on August 16. Experts spent 30 days at sea to conduct a large scale met-ocean survey, reads a note released on Monday. 

Rosneft collected met-ocean data like wave, currents, sea level fluctuation and wind velocity for exploratory drilling in the Vostochno-Prinovozemelsky- licence bloc and contemporary planning of close license blocks.

‘Kara-Summer 2013 is the third expedition commissioned by Rosneft. In August alone, Rosneft used 12 vessels, three aircraft, air drones, submersibles, subsea and floating self-contained stations, satellite surveillance systems and other equipment for the Kara Sea studies,’ reads the note.

In 2013, Rosneft’s total investments in the Kara Sea studies will exceed 1.5 bln rubles (30 million euros). The explorations in the Kara Sea are part of a wider mid-term plan to develop offshore projects in the Fas East