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    Journal of Turkish Weekly: Russia looking to Asian energy market



Russia is setting its sights on the vast energy market in Asia as the European Union adds further sanctions over the conflict in eastern Ukraine

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Journal of Turkish Weekly: Russia looking to Asian energy market

Russia is setting its sights on the vast energy market in Asia as the European Union adds further sanctions over the conflict in eastern Ukraine, a Russian government energy expert has said.

Energy exporters in Russia are looking to markets in China and India, which account for half the world’s growth in demand for energy, Alexander Kurdin, head of the government’s Department for Strategic Research in Energy, said.

“The preference for flexibility now gains more attention in Russia,” he told Anadolu Agency on Monday.

Sanctions, imposed by the U.S. as well as Europe, are only one reason for the shift, Kurdin added, as an expansion in gas production will only find an outlet in Asia rather than in Europe or Russia’s domestic market.