• Natural Gas News

    Novinite: EU Puzzled by Attempts to Accelerate South Stream



European Commission sources have commented that attempts to accelerate the Gazprom-sponsored South Stream gas pipeline project will not circumvent EU antitrust and environmental obligations.


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Press Notes

Novinite: EU Puzzled by Attempts to Accelerate South Stream

Recent attempts to accelerate the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline have reportedly puzzled high EU officials.

Attempts to accelerate the Gazprom-sponsored South Stream gas pipeline project will not circumvent EU antitrust and environmental obligations, European Commission sources have told EurActiv.

The deadline to sign the South Stream agreement is November 15th. In mid-September, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov publically announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin will travel to Bulgaria on November 9. Borisov noted then the documents for the South Stream gas pipeline were to be signed during the November 9 meeting.  MORE