Washington Post: Is Russia behind anti-fracking activism?
I enjoyed the documentary “Fracknation.” I’ve often assigned it to my students in conjunction with “Gasland.” The two films present wildly different perspectives on hydraulic fracturing and natural gas development and both illustrate how a documentary can be quite compelling, while also incomplete.
Much of “Fracknation” seeks to debunk claims made in “Gasland.” At this it is quite effective on many points. Other parts of the film are a bit thin. For instance, at one point a journalist suggests that anti-fracking activism is fueled by the Russian government, which is afraid that natural gas development in Europe could reduce Russia’s influence. Unfortunately, beyond this one interview, the film offers no support for the claim of Russian involvement.
The idea that an industrial interest would fund environmental activism to further its own economic interests is not new. Natural gas interests funded the Sierra Club for years — to the tune of $25 million or more between 2007 and 2010 — to support the group’s “Beyond Coal” campaign. (Now the Sierra Club also seeks to go “Beyond Natural Gas.”)