• Natural Gas News

    Voice of Russia: Russia is likely to expect stable consumption of gas by European consumers



The profits in the Gazprom's main activities – before taxes, interests and amortization – have grown by 22%.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Voice of Russia: Russia is likely to expect stable consumption of gas by European consumers

According to the results of 2013, Gazprom has become the largest public company in the world. As is written in the report, financial indicators in international standards have brought Gazprom to the first place.

The profits in the company’s main activities – before taxes, interests and amortization – have grown by 22%. The indicator in monetary terms has exceeded $56bln (2trln roubles). Gazprom has left behind its chief competitors, such as Chinese Petrochina and US ExxonMobil and Apple. In the previous year the Russian holding only ranked third in the rating.

Gazprom’s good financial indicators were provided by an advantageous situation that shaped last year, analysts point out. The gas holding sold record volumes of natural gas in its principal trading market – which is the whole of Europe – in the last 10 years. Director of the power department of the Institute of Power Industry and Finances Alexey Gromov says that in spite of the increased demand Gazprom fully provided all its consumers with Russian gas.