• Natural Gas News

    The American Spectator: Russia Pushes Western Anti-Fracking Movement



The Spectator argues that Putin, who maintains a strong focus on Russia gas for its economy, fears fracking for the threat it poses to Russia's economy

by: Erica Mills

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Press Notes

The American Spectator: Russia Pushes Western Anti-Fracking Movement

Few things scare Vladimir Putin, the Russian head of state who routinely poses with his shirt off, flies airplanes to douse the fires threatening the lives of millions of Russians, shoots Siberian tigers with tranquilizer guns, and still finds time to steal Super Bowl rings. However, there is one thing the leader of Russia, an 8th degree black belt, actually fears: hydraulic fracturing. This technology, also known as “fracking,” has revolutionized the way oil and natural gas are produced in the United States, which is likely why Putin has gone to great lengths to discredit this new technology and attempted to prevent it from spreading to other parts of the world.

Read the full article HERE.