• Natural Gas News

    Washington Examiner: Is Russia funding Europe's anti-fracking Green protests?



Europe depends on Russia's Gazprom for its natural gas needs -- up to 30 percent in the case of the European Union, more for Eastern Europe.

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Washington Examiner: Is Russia funding Europe's anti-fracking Green protests?

If you were thinking that the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines MH17 and the death of 298 innocent people including Europeans, will finally force NATO to get tough with Russia's Vladimir Putin, think again.

Europe's politicians fear someone else even more than they fear Putin. It's their own green parties and environmental groups like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, who are now holding Europe hostage to Putin's power -- and are as much a tool of Russian interests as the separatists who shot down MH17.

Europe depends on Russia's Gazprom for its natural gas needs -- up to 30 percent in the case of the European Union, more for Eastern Europe.

It's been the implicit threat of cutting off that supply, and literally letting Europe freeze over this winter, that's allowed Putin to do what he likes in Ukraine and Crimea.